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Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1 easily

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1 easily - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1 easily please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1 easily

Microsoft developing cycle is developing more reliable discoveries for their user.Achievement form Window 2000 to Windows 7.Developing cycle not stop and move forward from window 8 to now window 8.1. Window 8 get amazing fame among its users due to its amazing features with user friendly interface.Now Microsoft thought one step above from window 8 and upgrade it to window 8.1. Window 8 lovers wants to have new look of window 8 in form of window 8.1 and want to use this on their system.Users thinks that it might be tricky or complex to upgrade window 8.Today i have select this topic to teach you How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1.Just you have to follow given below easy steps to enjoy the features of window 8.1.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1
How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Create Backup Image of System:

First most important steps is to create a back up of your system data.As mnay users find difficulty in upgradation steps so its necessary to have a backup using window 7 recovery tool.Advantage is that if you are unable to upgrade then you can find your old window configuration. 

Launche Window 7 Recovery Tool:

Follow below steps to Launche Window 7 Recovery Tool.Below imge show all these steps.
Press (WIN + W) to access search setting page. 
Type "window 7 files" without commas in setting box.
Click on "window 7 file recovery".

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Create A system Image:

Next move to create a system image by below steps.

I this steps a dialog box will appear which will ask you to specify location where you want to store your system backup.For example, you can create the system image on a set of DVD discs as in below image.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Click on start backup.When it will completed you ask to insert DVD disc as you are going to have a your system backup on DVD disc.
Insert DVD disc and format it.
You'll be ask to create a System Repair disc when process is complete.If you already have recovery drive click on No and you have successfully backup of your system.
Note: In Windows 8, the System Repair disc is the same as the Recovery Drive.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Download the Windows 8.1 installer

After creating backup next step is Downloading the Windows 8.1 installer.For this follow below steps.
Go to >>start>>Window Store>>Window 8.1

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Click on Download button. Downloading Process will be start.Window 8.1 downloading data is 4GB so its take time depending upon your internet connection.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Restart System:

After downloading window 8.1, a message will be appear,may ask you to restart your syste. Clcik on Restart now.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Setup Process:

 After restarting below screen will appear if you have DELL laptop/system.Now all your system data all important things will start setting up and proceed step by step till reach to 100% as below image show.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

System will restart again.

Accept Window 8.1 License terms:

After rebooting,you will ask to accept terms of window 8.1 as below screen will appear. Click on "I Accept".

Use Express Setting:

On next window click on "use express setting".If you are not agree with by default setting then Click on "customize" and manage settings as you want.

Use Skydrive:

This steps is to use skydrive. You have  enter your
Microsoft Account password
specify your backup email account
Enter the security code that will be sent to you via your backup email account.
After entering all above data click on "Use Skydrive".

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Installation Of Apps:

In this steps all your previously installed apps will be reinstalled. Third-party apps may only have a tile on the Start Screen. Just click the tile and the app will be completely reinstalled.

How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1

Final Step:
After many steps you are successful  upgrade to window 8.1. You will see start screen which will be transparent.You can customize it according to your choice.

enough already information How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1 easily

hopefully information about How To Upgrade Window 8 To Window 8.1 easily that we provide can be useful for you in determining the appropriate gadgets with your needs.

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