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Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Program To Print Ascii Table in Assembly Language

Program To Print Ascii Table in Assembly Language - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about Program To Print Ascii Table in Assembly Language please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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Program To Print Ascii Table in Assembly Language

Program To Print Ascii Table in Assembly Language 

PROMPT DB "The 256 ASCII Characters are ",0AH,"$"
nxtline DB 0AH,"$"
MOV AX, @DATA ; initialize DS
LEA DX, PROMPT ; load and print PROMPT
MOV AH, 9h
MOV Cl, 0 ; initialize CL
MOV AH, 2 ; set output function
LP: ; loop label
Mov DL, CL
MOV AH ,2H ; print ASCII character
LEA DX, nxtline
INC CL ; Increment CL
CMP CL , 255D
JNE LP ; jump to label LP if CL is 255

END start

Tags: Program To Print Ascii Table in Assembly Language  Assembly language program in assembly language printing ascii values in assembly language COAL coal program coal programming Ascii values Ascii Table in Assembly

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