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Senin, 07 September 2015

How to root Xiaomi Mi4 running Miui 7

How to root Xiaomi Mi4 running Miui 7 - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about How to root Xiaomi Mi4 running Miui 7 please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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How to root Xiaomi Mi4 running Miui 7

Hello welcome to andro9ja...

Today I bring good tides...the Xiaomi Mi4 smartphone was released recently and almost all users have difficulty rooting this baby...

Today I will show you how to successfully root your device...

Required files are...

3. Update.zipzip

Download all files given above and continue with the below steps...

Install adb fastboot in your PC.

Now copy ‘TWRP RECOVERY’ to ‘C:/adb’ (rename the filename from twrp- to twrp.img ,this is  not a must , but it will make the procedure easier )
Copy and in internal memory of your Xiaomi MI4Now turn off your mi4.

Turn on you phone in fastboot mode, by pressing ‘VOLUME DOWN+POWER ON’

Now connect your phone via USB in your PC.

Now open ‘C:/adb’ in your pc, and click ‘SHIFT+RIGHT CLICK on MOUSE’ and click on ‘Open Command Window here’

A Command window will open.Type this command now – ‘fastboot boot twrp.img’  (it will temporarily install TWRP recovery in your phone)

The commad will install twrp temporarily because Xiaomi updates can only be done via stock recovery...

But if you want it permanently use this command "fastboot flash image twrp.img"

Now let's proceed....

To install our downloaded

Now TWRP recovery will open in your MI device .

. Now select install zip and choose from device.

. Then slide to confirm installing zip

. Now reboot your phone.

. Check that SuperSU app installed or not. if not follow below steps.

. INSTALL ‘SuperSU’ from Play Store and open.

. If it says , “SuperSU binary needs to be updated” then click on “NORMAL” and reboot .


IF it says SU binary not available and supersu can not install it .

then, do this…

. Open UPDATER app on your phone.

. Select Choose Update package

. Choose

. And reboot your phone.

21. Now open Super Su app and install Su binary. and you have rooted your phone.


For enquiry please comment....

enough already information How to root Xiaomi Mi4 running Miui 7

hopefully information about How to root Xiaomi Mi4 running Miui 7 that we provide can be useful for you in determining the appropriate gadgets with your needs.

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