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Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016

How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016 - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016 please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016

How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016
How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016

For windows users we are here with a cool method for How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus. Today Virus can enter in our computer through many ways like through Internet Browsing, From USB devices and also by installing some infected software. These viruses makes our computer run slow and also some of the dangerous viruses can steal our data. These viruses can also corrupts our operating system too. So better choice is to remove these viruses as soon as possible. There are different method toremove virus from a computer with any antivirus program. You just have to follow up some simple methods below to proceed.

How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus

In this method we will discussing some ways, using them you can make your computer virus free and also your computer will run faster and perform better. So have a look on these methods below.

#1 Remove Computer Viruses Using Command Prompt

  1. Firs of all click on Start and type cmd.
  2. Now right click on cmd icon and select run as administrator.
  3. Now command prompt window will open, now select your drive which you want to remove virus.
  4. Let the drive be D.
  5. Now in cmd window type attrib -s -h /s /d *.* then press enter.1
  6. Now type dir by this all your content will get displayed.
  7. Now if you notice and unusual file.exe and any of autorun.inf then rename it with the command(rename filename.extension newfilename)
  8. Thats it now you can access your drives without affecting from viruses.

#2 Disabling Suspecious Services In Task Manager

  1. First of all start task manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE and end all suspicious services under services section.
  2. There stop the explorer.exe also which will stop all desktop and only taskmanager will appear.
  3. Now from new task start msconfig.
  4. Now in msconfig box go to the service tab and then uncheck any suspicious or unwanted service that you can guess by thinking that did you have installed something related to that service or not.2
  5. After that go to the startup tab there and check for service which look unknown3
  6. Now check out the location of that service from where it is actually started and then you find location within startup tab under command it will show you the path of the file
  7. Now open command prompt and go to that location of the suspect file and change the attribute of the file as discussed in first method.
  8. And then simply delete the file from there.
So above is all about How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus. By this method you can easily remove all the viruses that can corrupts your operating system too. This method is very cool and efficient and doesn’t require any software just only a simple utility program of your system. Hope you like the post. Don’t forget to share it with your friends. Leave a comment if you have any related queries with this.

enough already information How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016

hopefully information about How To Remove Computer Virus Without Antivirus 2016 that we provide can be useful for you in determining the appropriate gadgets with your needs.

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