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Sabtu, 21 April 2012


TIPS & SECRET CODES FOR NOKIA MOBILE PHONE - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about TIPS & SECRET CODES FOR NOKIA MOBILE PHONE please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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Hi All,
Nokia is a leading mobile selling company in USA. Its mobile have very nice feature which are used by every person.
But some user might not know the secret codes of Nokia mobile.
So here i am providing you list of secret NOKIA codes.

Note:-Some code might be risky it can damage your phone so try it own risk we are not resposible for any kind of damage.

1. *#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).

2. *#7780# reset to factory settings.   

3. *#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).

4. *#0000# To view software version.
5. *#2820# Bluetooth device address.

6. *#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.

7.  #pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.

8. *#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:

     Displays Serial Number.
     Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
     Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
     Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)

 Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

9. *#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.

10. *#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.

11.*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.

12. *#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart
If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345
Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.

13. Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin# \

14. *#7328748263373738# resets security code.

15. Default security code is 12345

16. Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.) Press and hold "0" on the main screen to open wap browser.

Enjoy fully...!!!!

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enough already information TIPS & SECRET CODES FOR NOKIA MOBILE PHONE

hopefully information about TIPS & SECRET CODES FOR NOKIA MOBILE PHONE that we provide can be useful for you in determining the appropriate gadgets with your needs.

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