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Senin, 02 November 2015

Download Facebook Videos on Your Android Phone

Download Facebook Videos on Your Android Phone - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about Download Facebook Videos on Your Android Phone please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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Download Facebook Videos on Your Android Phone

Much the same as somebody said, Facebook is slowly turning into the new Youtube. Individuals continue sharing recordings from time to time and in actuality, I observe a greater number of recordings on Facebook nowadays than I do on Youtube. Facebook is notwithstanding pushing the recordings more to clients news sustain.

From interesting recordings to educative ones you discover once in a while on your news food, sparing them to observe later or offer with somebody not on Facebook would've likely entered your thoughts.

Have you ever considered downloading Facebook recordings in that spot on your Android telephone easily? There are two simple routines to complete it.

Utilizing Facebook official application with ES File Explorer 

Utilizing a third gathering Facebook video downloader application

Both strategies are simple and whichever you utilize is a matter of decision.

Utilizing Facebook official application with ES File Explorer

Before continuing to utilize this strategy you must have these applications:

  1. ES File Explorer: If you don’t have it, download it here from Play Store and install.
  2. Facebook Messenger (Old version): The latest version of Facebook mobile app doesn’t allow this and till date, I’m still using Facebook v27. You can download it here.
To check your Facebook app version, go to Menu > About.
facebook app version
If you have this version or lower, don’t bother. Again, the latest version of Facebook app won’t work.
I’ve been using it since because it allows me to use read Facebook messages without installing the Messenger app. You can read all about that here.
1. Launch Facebook and look for the video you want to download. Click on the menu icon at the top-right corner of the video post and select Save video.
save facebook video
2. Go to the menu tab and select Saved
facebook saved pages
3. You should see your recently saved video on top of the list.
saved facebook videos
4. Selecting the video should show a menu where you can select the app to open the video with. Select ES Downloader.
download facebook video
5. The download should start and you should see the progress right there on your screen.:
download facebook video on android phone
If for some reasons, this isn’t working for you or you choose not to downgrade your Facebook for Android app version, try the second method below.

Using a 3rd party Facebook video downloader app

If you prefer installing a 3rd app to access your Facebook account and download videos on your news feed, I found one that works great. MyVideoDownloader for Facebook is an Android app designed specifically to download Facebook videos. If you don’t want to use the first option where you need to install an older version of Facebook app and ES Explorer, this method works for any Facebook version.
1.If you’re surfing through Facebook and stumble on a video you want to download, simply like or save the video.
2. Open MyVideoDownloader for Facebook, tap the menu icon and select My Videos. You can then browse through your liked videos or saved videos.
download facebook videos with 3rd party app
3. Tap the download button and you should have the video on your SD card.
facebook video downloader app

enough already information Download Facebook Videos on Your Android Phone

hopefully information about Download Facebook Videos on Your Android Phone that we provide can be useful for you in determining the appropriate gadgets with your needs.

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