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Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

How to Track Kids / Friends iPhone Without Them Knowing

How to Track Kids / Friends iPhone Without Them Knowing - very many people who love gadgets, especially gadgets nowadays with all sophisticated spek good, but not all gadgets suitable for your purposes, in blogs Techno News we will review and display speck with price gadgets from various brands and news about gadgets latest, now we will discuss first about How to Track Kids / Friends iPhone Without Them Knowing please in see until finished because the news that we convey we try to complete for you.

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How to Track Kids / Friends iPhone Without Them Knowing

 You still holding onto your kids being young enough to know where they are at all times? Need to know how to track a friends or your partner's phone and know exactly where they go after work? In this new post, i'll show you how you can monitor every movement of the person you're spying on. Not only that, but you can even set reminders for when they leave school or arrive a certain location!

 How to Track Kids / Friends iPhone Without Them Knowing

 First of all, you'll need to have access on their iPhone, then share their location to your iPhone without them knowing using a very simple application called Find My Friends (On iOS 9, Find My Friends is a stock app that will already be on the device).

 Step 1: Enable "Share My Location" on Their iPhone

 Open the Find My Friends app on their iPhone, then tap on their contact picture at the bottom to enable "Share My Location" from the settings.
 Also make sure that the location is being shared from "This Device" (under the "Share My Location From:" setting), as there may be other devices (like an iPad) that are attached to the same iCloud account.

 Step 2: Share Their Location to Your iPhone

 On your iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to enable AirDrop from the Control Center. Make yourself discoverable to "Everyone", although the "Contacts Only" option will suffice as long as their iPhone has your contact information saved to it.
 Back on their iPhone, tap on "Add" (in Find My Friends) and hit your contact icon when it appears. Select "Share Indefinitely" to share their location to your iPhone for an unlimited amount of time.

 Step 3: Accept Their Location; Don't Share Yours Back

 Once their location is shared to your device, hit "Accept." After a few seconds, a popup will appear asking if you want to share your location with them. Tap on "Don't Share" so that they can't track your location.

 Step 4: Track Their Location

 In the Find My Friends app, simply click on their contact icon to see their exact location in realtime. You'll also see options to be notified if they leave or arrive at a certain location, so you can alert yourself when someone leaves their house or work.

 Step 5: Hide Their 'Find My Friends' App so that they don't even realize they have it

 Make sure the first page of your home screen is full and that the Find My Friends app is on the second page. Press and hold on any icon to enter edit mode, then drag the Find My Friends app onto any app on the first page to create a folder. When in the folder, remove the Find My Friends app and drop onto the dock and watch it disappear.

 Share the post if you like it, comment if you have questions :)
 Source: WonderHowTo

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